
Fairy Links

Daphne Charters (1910 to 1991, author, channel) wrote down her adventures with the fairies over a span of four decades. She could see the fairies and carried on long conversations with them. The fairies told Daphne about their lives, their exploits, their work and their spiritual developments. As such, they are stories about the lives of the fairies told in their own words.

One of the most far-reaching outcomes of the friendship between Daphne and the fairies was the establishment of the Fairy & Human Relations Congress.

Daphne passed on from the Earth plane in 1991, after asking Michael Pilarski to publish her Collected Manuscripts. More information is on Michael’s Friends of the Trees Society website.



Joanna Schmidt. It is my passion to assist others in creating harmony and wholeness within their spirit and with the animals in their life. It is my hope that I can  inspire you to live with wholeness in your heart and shine as the magical person you are meant to be. I am glad you are here.

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Aerious is a non-profit educational organization founded in 1991 to encourage individuals to gain greater increased awareness of self and environment, thru spiritual diversity and wholistic living in the twenty-first century. We provide education using a variety of techniques and especially emphasize hands-on experience and individual empowerment. Aerious means “of Earth and Sky”. Our intention is to refocus Heaven on Earth thru metaphysix, wholistic healing of body/mind/spirit, awareness of the spiritual aspex of nature, and a simple balanced lifestyle based on personal freedom but harming none. Home of Fairy Congress speakers Mark McNutt and Mary Gold McNutt.

Tree Frog Farm is a co-creative garden on Lummi Island, Washington, where Diana Gay Pepper and John Robinson work in communication with plants, devas and fairies and produce flower essences from plants. Diana has been a featured Fairy Congress speaker. She offers healing consultations at Tree Frog Farm or over the phone; providing personalized flower essence blends.

Co-Creative Book List by The Alternative Nature Online Herbal

Crystalline Light (formerly Earthstar Co-Creations) offers Spirit-guided intentional products and holistic services of only the Highest Light quality, with the intent of personal and planetary healing, to assist you in the New Energies, as we move into our true divinity!

The Findhorn Homesite The mother of co-creative work in modern times, a spiritual community that brought fairies and devas to the forefront worldwide.

Green Hope Farm A co-Creative farm in New Hampshire, working with nature spirits and angels, making flower essences and growing food and flowers.

Paul Stamets is the founder and owner of Fungi Perfecti. Stamets is one of the world’s most knowledgeable mycologists, particularly in regard to medicinal mushrooms and using fungi in environmental restoration. His company, based near Olympia Washington, grows a wide range of medicinal and edible mushrooms. Fairy Congress speaker 2004.

Perelandra Center for Nature Research The co-creative science research at Perelandra, in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, focuses on three main areas: environment, health and soil-less gardens (i.e., business, home, the creative arts, special projects—all “gardens” that do not grow in soil). Pioneer Machaelle Wright is a leader in co-creative research, author of numerous books including Behaving As If the God in All Life Mattered, co-creator of both healing essences and healing techniques for humans and the earth. Perelandra’s garden laboratory is its 100-foot-diameter garden, operating according to nature’s principles of balance, getting this information on balance from nature partners. As a result of this work together, Wright has developed guidelines and procedures anyone may use to establish a balanced environment for such diverse areas as an apartment, a suburban home and yard, farm, forest or ranch, as well as in the areas of human health.

Raven is a channel for Spirit; including Fairies, Angels and Divine Mother. She offers monthly classes to connect with the Spirit Realm, private healings, and channeled sessions with your spirit guides.

Tribes of Creation is devoted to the cultivation of our humanness in conscious, respectful, and free flowing dialogue with the natural world. One so integrated into the sylvan cosmos, the society of Nature, is known as a sylvapolitan. The sylvapolitan is educated via self-transformation (knowing something by becoming it), accultured into a spiritual ecology and its manifestations in natural ecosystems, and pro-active in the Program of spiritual evolution. Founder Morgan Brent is a Fairy Congress presenter.

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The Society of Celtic Shamans.

Tom Cowan is a shamanic practitioner specializing in Celtic visionary and healing techniques. He combines universal core shamanism with traditional European spirit lore to create spiritual practices that can heal and enrich one’s own life and the lives of others. Tom is the author of Fire in the Head: Shamanism and the Celtic Spirit, Shamanism as a Spiritual Practice for Daily Life, andThe Pocket Guide to Shamanism.

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Blue Sky Waters Devoted to healing the earth ourselves

Earth Energy Intuitive Harmony for your Home and Land. Lindsey has been involved with the Fairy Congress since its inception, she now helps people clear old stuck energies from their homes and land to bring light and healing onto the planet.

Earth Transitions Studies in co-creative work! The inner technologies featured on this site explore modern day approaches to ancient relationships which indigenous tribes the world over have maintained with the Spirits of Nature. We have focused on our work with the Devic or Nature Forces to clear and heal the distortions in the Earth called Geopathic Stress and pollution. We also focus on learning to live in a co-creative relationship with Earth and our environment as we once did ages ago. Classes with earth energies, devas, water, sound and more.

Sympathetic Vibratory Physics Sacred Science – working together we are creating an Advanced Science and awakening your Self to your full power and potential. “There is a celestial mind-force, a great sympathetic force which is life itself, of which everything is composed.” Keely

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Tree Frog Farm is a co-creative garden on Lummi Island, Washington, where Diana Gay Pepper and John Robinson work in communication with plants, devas and fairies and produce flower essences from plants. Diana has been a featured Fairy Congress speaker. She offers healing consultations at Tree Frog Farm or over the phone; providing personalized flower essence blends.

Australian Bush Flower Essences

Flower Essence Society

Hummingbird Remedies

Pacific Essences

Perelandra Essences

Tree Frog Farm Flower Essences

Camilla Blossom has created the Columbia River Gorge Flower Essences as well as many intentional potions and lotions using flower essences and essential oils.

Hummingbird Remedies, a collection of new flower essences and other vibrational remedies for transformation and healing, essences of flowers, gems, Angelic Energies, and formulas to support balance of body, psyche and spirit. This collection represents over a decade of research, experimentation and feedback from hundreds of clients who have been using these remedies with great success. Home of Fairy Congress speaker Ouapiti Robintree.

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The Geo Group is a group of artists, designers and other interested people dedicated to creating environmental art for the purposes of world peace and planetary healing. The Geo Group identifies the presence of Earth energies and works in harmony with the Earth Spirit (the vision of the Earth as a living being) to improve the flow of Earth energies for the well-being of the Earth as a whole as well as for individuals. The Geo Group encourages and promotes the creation of sacred spaces and environmental art for the purposes of world peace and planetary healing. Founder Chuck Pettis is a previous Fairy Congress speaker.

Marko Pagacnik, The homesite of brilliant author, professor and geomancer Marko Pogacnik, explore a Chronology of Earth changes, the Multidimensionality of Earth and enviroment, Modern Geomancy, Earth Healing, Lithopuncture and Exercises for grounding oneself, Exercises in widened perception, Exercises to stay in touch with the changing Earth.
Herbalism, Aromatherapy & Flower Essences

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Herbal Medicine & Spirit Healing the Wise Woman Way
Natural alternatives for women with health concerns such as menopause, osteoporosis, pregnancy, fertility issues, breast health and cancer prevention.

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Era of Peace This site is dedicated to the Divine Potential of every person and to the reality of the Peace of God in all life.

The Lorian Association We are educators from many backgrounds applying principles of a co-creative spirituality into active practice in the world. We pursue our work of research and education with open minds, hearts and spirits and with a willingness to embrace new ideas and images. We look for ways that can renew and energize a co-creative relationship with the sacred, with spirit, with the earth, and with each other. We invite you to explore with us…. Home of Fairy Congress speakers Dorothy MacLean and David Spangler.

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Lisa Thiel, Sacred Dream Productions.
Lisa Thiel is a visionary artist and ceremonial singer whose healing songs – prayers & chants are being sung in circles around the world.

Fairy, Elven and magical costumes and everyday frolick.

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Fairy Faith Network The Faery-Faith theology, cosmology, lore and practices all center around a seasonal division of the year, as well as a lunar cycle. The seasonal division is called The Celtic Division of the Year and it focuses on the balance of polarities.

Foxwood Temple is dedicated to the Old Gods and is a Traditional House of the Old Religion. Originally founded in 1990 by Lord Orion, High Priest in Celtic and Alexandrian Traditions and initiate of Welsh Tradition. The teachings of Foxwood are based on the ancient ways of Prytani Celtic, Strega, and Faerie Traditions and are collectively transmitted as Celtic/Traditional Craft or “The Old Religion”. Foxwood is a haven for personal exploration of the esoteric tradition of the Old Religion as passed on by the Elders of Foxwood. Lord Orion is a speaker at the 2004 Fairy Congress.

The Circle Sanctuary in Mt Horeb, Wisconsin is one of the best pagan websites and includes a guide to pagan groups.

Seattle Pagan Information Center. The SeaPagan list is for the discussion of issues and items of interest to pagans living in Seattle in particular and Western Washington State in general.

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Sacred Sites Project  Gabriel is able to perceive and communicate with the sacred sites in the landscape and the landscape beings. In this particular article he talks about using what he calls “Fairy Isles in the Fields” to find places where the veil is thin. The article is referencing his work in Finland but is applicable around the world. Here is his concluding paragraph.  “What I offer as a take-away right now is the suggestion that you keep your eyes open for these little islands in the middle of the fields as you drive or walk by. Once you activate your intuitive communicational faculties, you can use these as grounding points for future education and soul expansion. In a time when the planet is desperately trying to communicate to each and every one of us, such skills are crucial and play a key role in our planetary purpose as beings on this ball in space.”

Sacred Geography A World Pilgrimage Guide compile by Martin Gray, a National Geographic photographer and cultural anthropologist specializing in the study of pilgrimage traditions and sacred sites around the world. During the past forty years he has been able to visit more than 1500 of the world’s most celebrated sacred sites in 165 countries, and have placed many hundreds of lovely photographs and intriguing essays on his World Pilgrimage Guide website at www.sacredsites.com


Theosophical Society is an organization founded in New York City in 1875, to investigate the nature of the universe and humanity’s place in it, to promote understanding of other cultures, and to be a nucleus of universal brotherhood among all human beings. Today, the Theosophical Society has branches in some 60 countries, with its international headquarters in India.
http://ts-adyar.org website for the International Headquarters of the Theosophical Society

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The Rowan Tree Church is an Earth-focused network of Communities and solitary practitioners dedicated to the study and practice of the Wiccan Tradition we call Lothloriën. We encourage spiritual growth through support, resources and educational opportunities for our Members. We also offer formal pathworking leading to an understanding of the Inner Mysteries.

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