
Fairy Field Trip – Goddess Grove, September 2022

In September of 2021, a few of us met at Point Whitehorn for a fairy field trip, to meet the fairy family of one of our community members.  It was a wonderful expansive outing. On my way home from that, I stopped in the North Cascades National Park for a walk and came across the most magical Goddess Landscape Temple I had ever experienced.  I knew then that this should be the destination for the next fairy field trip, which came together at the end of September, 2022.

Four of us gathered on a Wednesday evening and set up camp. On Thursday morning we headed up the trail to the goddess site to check in.  The trail takes us through three gateways on the way to the temple, at each one we released that which was ready to go.

first gateway on the trail

Coming across the yoni rock always invokes a visceral response, no matter how many times one visits! It is so impressive.  We noticed it is guarded by the masculine Devil’s Club plant immediately in front of the rock.  One of our party climbed to the top of the rock and reported that the back side was covered in an expanse of lilies, a feminine plant.  Attuning here, I felt myself to be in the belly of the Goddess. It was a very dynamic and transformative place, where both digestion and gestation happen.

Not far beyond the rock is a grove of cedar, with a gateway cedar in front and the Mother tree behind.  Hidden from the trail, this is the main ceremony site. Attuning to this spot, I felt a close connection with the core of the planet, like it is a powerful meridian acupuncture point that touches in to a deep inner level of planetary existence.

gateway cedar

On this first visit as a group, we all meditated to see what we were called to do here. Since it is a Goddess site we knew it had to do with strengthening and supporting the divine feminine, but we did not know any specifics.  Our attunement revealed that we should tone and sing to charge some water, which would be poured down at the roots of the tree, to travel down through Diablo Lake into the Skagit River, out to the Salish Sea and to the world beyond.  We also understood that there should be some interaction among us humans, that symbolically enacting sharing and cooperation among us would act as a homeopathic balm to bring healing to humanity as a whole.

at the foot of the Mother tree

With that task complete, we continued up the trail to visit the bridge and commune with the creek and the big trees.

The afternoon was free for each of us to prepare for the next day’s ceremony in whatever way we needed.  I was called to climb Thunder Knob, where I communed with a large peak just to the south west of our site.  I asked for its blessing on our working, and it offered me a gift.  I took the gift in as a small orb of Light, the words that best describe it are ‘focussed force’; force creates movement, this gift creates movement in a certain direction, the intention was for this energy gift to support the outward flow of our magical Love offering.  It felt like the masculine coming in to support the feminine.

On Friday morning we gathered our magical implements and headed out.  Our first stop was a yew tree growing right next to the parking lot. It is easy to miss as it is intertwined with a vine maple that camouflages it well.  We were very excited to find this special tree and sang some songs to it as a greeting.

first yew tree sighting

Once our eyes had been opened to the presence of the yew, we found more of them on our way along the trail.  Just before going through the final gateway before the ceremony site, there was even a yew tree that had some arils (red berries) on it!  That was a very special find.  I ate one (being careful to spit out the poisonous seed at its center), asking to be infused with its timeless and ageless wisdom. I also took one as an offering for the ceremony.

On our second visit, we started again at the yoni rock as it opens the way to the ceremony site.  We sang and toned into the crevice and offered our respects.

do you see the faces in the rocks?

We continued on to the ceremony site and began to set up. Several of us made our own individual altars in the roots of the tree.  A 17th century Tibetan bowl was placed in the center of the site, to hold the water to be charged.  The directions were called in, and the bowl was toned without the water in it to begin with, to set our energetic space.

We each pulled a card from the Portals of Presence deck created by Deborah Koff-Chapin.  I pulled the Tree Druid card, which felt very appropriate as we were sitting in a natural sacred grove.  This is a very special card for another participant, who had a meaningful interaction with it at Fairy Congress last year, so it felt like a confirmation for both of us, that we are both on our rightful path.  The second card was a Being drawn at a temple in Tikal, Guatemala.  It felt like it was bringing in human diversity, offering support from the indigenous ancestors.  The third card represented the Fae and inter-dimensional beings, with wing-like eyes, and a second set of eyes behind the first.  The last card was the Goddess, of course.

Fae, Ancestor, Goddess and Druid cards

This was a lovely way to incorporate the cards and confirm that we are not alone in this endeavor.

Once our stage was set, water was poured into the bowl and we toned and sang to charge it with powerful Love vibrations.  We spoke prayers, that the Divine Feminine be recognized and honored, that people feel love for Her and loved by Her.  We placed crystals into the bowl and sang and toned some more to charge the crystals.

When this felt complete, we then each spoke our prayers for our own lives, what are we calling in, what our hearts are seeking.

In a very interesting turn of synchronicity, just when we had finished speaking and were about to move on, a string of horses came up the trail, taking supplies into the crew that were working up in the backcountry.  It felt like the Universe saying ‘support is coming!’  Yes! We welcome the support!!

Then we took turns to bless each other with the water in the bowl, to affirm this support and to enact the spirit of support and cooperation among humanity.

When everything felt complete, we poured the water onto the roots of the Mother cedar and buried the crystals at the site, to anchor the energy there.  We closed the directions and slowly made our way back to camp, to ground as we packed up before heading home.

It may not sound like much, but the depth of feeling was tremendous.  After just two days with four people, I felt the same as after a five day Fairy Congress with hundreds of people. There was some major energy channelled through us humans, held in the powerful container of the Landscape Temple.

This ceremony site is now open for others if they are interested in visiting in a sacred manner.  It is located just off Highway 20 in North Cascades National Park, one mile south of Colonial Creek Campground, on the Thunder Creek trail.  Please do not post the location on social media, this is to be shared in selective groups only!

May all Beings be Well!

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