
22nd Annual Fairy and Human Relations Congress

July 21-25, 2022 near Salem, OR

Communication & Co-Creation with Nature Spirits, Fairies, Devas and Sidhe

Why is it called a Congress? A Congress is defined as ‘A meeting of representatives from different groups at which ideas are discussed and information is exchanged’.   This is the heart of what the Fairy Congress is about – coming together with our subtle allies to join forces, to learn how we can work together in healing and regenerating the Earth.

What happens at the Congress?  The Fairy Congress has proven to be a vanguard event for bridging the dimensions.  We are mainly an educational event, however in the fairy spirit we also have lots of fun with music, dancing, singing and a colorful costume parade.  We also have meditations and ceremonies throughout the weekend that focus specifically on communing and healing with the fairy realm.

We have had many highly esteemed presenters over the years, including David Spangler and Dorothy Maclean of Findhorn, Peter Tompkins (author of Secret Life of Plants and Secret Life of Nature), RJ Stewart, Orion Foxwood, Caitlin Matthews and Robert Moss.

On an energetic level, a vibrational field is created by many people who believe in connecting with the Fairy realms gathering together.  This field deepens and enhances your ability to connect, to see and feel across the veil.

Who comes to the Congress? We welcome people from all walks of life. Diversity is crucial, it keeps a community thriving and healthy.  Nature Spirits exist all over the world and are recognized in all indigenous traditions. Connecting with Nature is a birthright of Humanity. Many people experience the feeling of coming Home, of connecting with their tribe.  There is freedom and joy in being able to let your light shine.

Fairy Congress gave me the necessary nourishment for continuation to the next level of my spiritual journey” – Tiffany, Portland OR

“I have always had an easy time connecting with the Fairy realms. I had seen the posters for Fairy Congress for years before I actually went, because I didn’t think it was real or at this deep of a level. I continue to come because of the joy of being in a field of so many who are open to the possibilities. New powers or abilities open to me every time I’m there.” – Annie, Port Townsend, WA

I have always felt deeply connected to Nature; being at Fairy Congress gave me the same feelings of connection with other humans.” – Sylvia, Port Townsend, WA

Details for the July 2022 event are now up!! Presenters include: Brenda Salgado, Scott Kloos, Camilla Blossom, Mahala Frye, Ron Hays, Lawrence Birch, Mary Janet Fowler and more!

See all the details on the workshop page

That whole weekend the Congress blew my mind in that I was able to feel that electrical warm pulsating that I get when in the presence of the Fae — online!  It swept me away.  My soul cried.  I felt the presence of many beings hugging me and telling me I was home.” – Annie R, Eugene OR 

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The year-long access to the community includes monthly workshops, practice sessions, book club discussions, Subtle Activism circles and a lovely community of like-minded people

The Arpil workshop is Saturday April 16th with Diomira Rose, author of Initiation: My Faery soul Awakening, and creator of Elemental Whispers eseences.

see the Community Page for information on future workshops and other community benefits

Take a glimpse beyond the veil into the realms of Fairy with this short video trailer.
Do You Believe in Magic?

Do you believe in Fairies, druids and shamans? Thousands do and in that magical spirit they’ve been returning to an annual gathering in the North Cascades for almost 20 years. Please enjoy this 30 minute documentary about the magic of Fairy Congress!

Our newsletters contain lots of news!  About the Congress, about other Fairy-related events in the area, other offerings from our presenters, and they often also include articles on relevant topics (check out past newsletters here).  We send out about 8-10 newsletters a year, so we don’t overwhelm your inbox! 


Contact us at info [@] fairycongress.com
Find us on Facebook
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel!

Testimonials from a few of our presenters:
“The Fairy Congress reminds us in deep and important ways that we share this world with other sentient beings, both seen and unseen. In the midst of global environmental challenges when for our own survival we as human beings are called to rethink our behavior on the earth and renew our partnership with nature, such reminding is essential. The Congress gives an opportunity to participate in envisioning and building a healthier and more holistic world.”  
—David Spangler | www.lorian.org

“The Fairy Congress is not a New Age forum event. It’s about Doing, Joining, Sharing, looking to the future. In a collapsing world economy, Fairy Congress gives us an idea of another way of living, another way of thinking. Some of it comes from ancestral wisdom, some from new human visions of departing from the greed of commercial modernism. Fairy Congress is an Idealist event, a Visionary event, and an event buoyant with hope and friendship.”
—RJ Stewart | www.rjstewart.org

“I have been teaching at this fantastic gathering for several years now. It really is the premier gathering on working with the nature spirit realm. Loving, caring, committed and powerful teachers and community. I love you Fairy Congress!!!!!”
—Orion Foxwood | www.orionfoxwood.com

“Where do I begin with my praise? I have taught at many events over the last 7 years and nothing compares with the Congress. I was awed by the the people, the land, the spirits…the love.  So much love!
Michael Dunning | www.yewshamanism.com

“When I came to the Congress last year I only intended to talk with you for an hour and hit the road…however I ended up staying four days till the end and was one of the last cars that left! Reflecting on that on my long drive home it reminded me that it was because of the over all authenticity, higher frequencies and kindness of the people that really captivated my spirit. I didn’t meet one bad or negative person here and really found acceptance and generous support within your circle. So thank you all again for giving me a great opportunity to get to meet you as relatives”
Dan Nanamkin (Water Protector at Standing Rock, Drummer/Singer/Activist from the Colville Reservation)
