THE AWAKENED HUMAN: The Art of Becoming Sacred
with Orion Foxwood, Author, Faery Seer, Elder, and Eco-Magical Activist
Saturdays, from 9am to 1pm Pacific Time on:
May 21st,
June 25th,
July 9th and
August 6th
Recordings will be available!
We are stars with human feet, encountering starlight in all we meet. Know this, grow this and ignite, and the stars will guide you through the darkest night!
The Awakened Human is an online workshop series & skills building experience for healing the most dangerous influence on life on Earth, the core human wound – the “illusion of Isolation” and its effects. Each teaching is focused on specific concepts and practices relevant to healing and empowering the practitioner. It is also an important tool-kit for becoming the original vision of humanity.
Orion will share ancient and contemporary sacred magical practices for Consecration, Integration, Restoration & Co-Creation through concepts and practices that awaken and empower the divine imprint
There is so much change going on in the world and it can be overwhelming, leaving us feeling “powerless”. But, nothing can be further from the truth- we are powerFULL when we awaken to what we are, our sacred role, and the divine magical imprint within us.
We were born to redeem the past, bring new life to the present, and envision and build a future that ensures a healthy and prosperous life for our planet, the lifeforms we share it with, and lastly, for ourselves. To do this, we must regain intuitive wisdom, a sense of connectedness, and worth within the greater web of life.
In our rapid neurological and technological development, core wisdom crucial to our survival was left behind. We will bring them back in this transformational series.
Know this: on a quantum level, each of us can heal all of us. You are not IN the universe, you ARE the universe, an intrinsic part of it. Ultimately you are not a person, but a focal point where the universe is becoming conscious of itself. What an amazing miracle. – (Eckhart Tolle)
Clearly, our species has hit a tipping point. As we watch wars, viral pandemics, and a looming global ecological crisis, we cannot escape the reality that our species must heal itself (individually and collectively) and its effects on our beloved planet Earth and her life. Humanity stands in the center of a crossroads where extinction and evolution; co-creative action, and the illusion of isolation (and its destructive effects) meet. A massive mutual destiny is a fulcrum on which the tree of humanity pivots and the winds of change are upon us. But, we are not powerless! We can, and must, claim our power to effect positive change and create a healed destiny for our species and our world.
The most pivotal step for this work is at the individual level. Not only because we are parts of the whole, but we are also co-creators imprinted with the creative power of the universe, we are fractals. The most powerful way to create great impact is to change within subtle levels and in pivotal ways, ways we may have never considered before.
Merely changing what we do does not change what we are. To become an agent of change, we must become the agent that was changed.
This series of workshops will provide core insights and practical techniques for changing the subtle senses and forces within which will, in turn, bring great change “without”.
We are the source, centered in substance, awakening from the slumber of years to dream the world alive. “We are fallen angels who’ve forgotten how to fly- tripping daily on our wings” (Ginger Doss, Dream Trybe). Let’s remember again! Like the Fool card (the zero card) in the Major Arcana of the sacred Tarot, the return to sacred innocence starts with the sacred questions and the quest of the “Cloud of Unknowing”.
Each part of the series will build on the one(s) before it. Orion will share lore, teachings and practices that produce relevant changes in you, as follows:
Part (1) Awaken Unto Life: Re-Awakening Humanity from Within:
Magic is the art of conscious co-creation leveraging the visible to the invisible and the invisible to the visible.
Sacred Question: WHO AM I? –
Part (2) We Never walk Alone: Co-Embodiment, Co-existence, and Co-creation WHAT IS IT (THE UNIVERSE, SOURCE, THE LANDSCAPE, INSCAPE AND STARSCAPE Etc.)?
Part (3) Becoming the Life that is within you in a Co-creative and Co-existent Context
PLEASE NOTE: The introduction to the “Casting the Golden Cord” work was taught at Global Congress 2022 and is available on video as part of this course. This session is a detailed next step in the use of this very important technique.
WHAT IS MY ROLE (claiming your place in the infinite)? Our lives are expressions of many interacting things: the infinite, the planet, other humans and the species, reptiles, minerals, microbial, bacterial, energetic, elemental, and more, and; we neither arrive nor survive alone. Life, ALL life, is co-creative and co-existent with a myriad of life holding its place in the great web through the intertwined and interpenetrating intersection.
Orion Foxwood is a traditional witch, conjure-man and faery seer; author of “The Faery Teachings” (RJ Stewart Books), “The Tree of Enchantment”, “The Candle and the Crossroads” and “The Flame in the Cauldron” (Weiser Books); founder of the House of Brigh Faery Seership Institute; and, a co-founder of Conjure-Craft; and, Witches in the Woods gatherings in CA. Lover of cats, rocks, plants, trees, faeries, creeks, ancestors, graveyards, earth, life!!
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Cost is $285 for the series. All workshops will be recorded if you cannot make them live. Registration includes access to the Fairy Congress community and all meditations and events hosted there. See the Community Membership page for details!
For those already in the Community, there is a $60 discount. Please contact us at if you are interested and did not receive the discount code in an email.
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