Every year amazing synchronicities happen to help people (and fairies) learn about us and make their way to the Congress. You can help this magic happen by spreading the word about the excitement and fun, the learning and growing, the singing and seeds of healing that we plant every year at the Congress. Invite your friends ~ spread the word via word-of-mouth, on facebook www.facebook.com/FairyCongress, share our website via emails and newsletters. You can also request postcards and posters to share with your friends, to post at local shops and metaphysical book stores in your area by contacting us at register [at] fairycongress.com.
For many in the Congress community, Saturday evening at the Congress has come to be a highlight of the event. We start after dinner with a Ritual with a focus determined by the theme of the event for that year. Most people don a special outfit for the evening as a way to honor and create bonds with the Other Realms – through our costumes we embody different animals and faerie beings. The Ritual often leads into the colorful costume parade and the Fairy Charge. It has become a truly colorful and fabulous parade; and even more incredible for those who have the ‘fairy sight’. See the orb photos that people are taking with their cameras…that can give you a hint of the multi-dimensional fabulousness! The Congress may have some costuming supplies available to share with the community, if you have any extras you are also invited to bring fun items to share with others.
Bring musical instruments, drums, your voices and songs to share. Music, singing and dancing happen at many planned and spontaneous times during the Congress. We always do some Dances of Universal Peace during circle times.
We ask that everyone who comes to Congress join in with 2 – 4 hours of Community Contribution helping out. This creates a feeling of community that cannot be reached when one group serves and the other receives. With just a small participation, you’ll meet new people and be part of making it a great weekend we create together. When we’re all in it together, the magic grows stronger and the experience deepens for everyone. The kitchen will have someone ready to help you find a place to play with us.
At the Healing Gifting Area we give as healers for the joy it gives us. Here, healers offer treatments free of charge, assisting others to unfold into wellness: physically, emotionally and spiritually. Massage tables and chairs are made available for your comfort. We welcome healers of all experience. We invite you to let others know what type of healing you offer and when you are offering it on the dry erase board in the Healing Gifting Area.
We usually have five or so vendors selling wings, books, flower essences, flags, herbs, oils, singing bowls, art, crystals, and other items. We charge 10% of gross sales, plus vendors pay admission. If you are interested in vending, please contact Lindsey: register [at] fairycongress.com
Every year we have a raffle to create seed money with which to use for each year’s start up and advertising costs for the Congress. For the raffle we have received donations of items that are amazing such as a stay at Skalitude, a crystal bowl, flower essences, herbal tinctures, books, CD’s, gemstones and much more. We encourage participation to the building and sustaining of our Congress. Be sure to purchase raffle tickets at the Fairyphenalia store at the Congress. The raffle sales will benefit future Congress events.
Please let Suki know if you would like to donate something for the raffle. magikdancer [at] gmail.com.
Please fill out the form on the Rideshare page if you need or can offer a ride!