
Amba AlianaHi

Amba AlianaHi

Amba is a Lyran Starseed and holds the vibration of Lemurian Love Fire. She is a carrier of the Original Tree of Life Templates within her DNA and is here on Mission Work to Restore Peace, Love and Harmony within the Ancient Tree.  (The Human DNA and the Planetary Grid System) 

She is an Indigo Spirit who is working under the Emerald Covent to assist the Earth in its Reharmonization. She is a Spiritual Healer and Priestess of Mu under the Melchizedek Colister Order. 

 She works in co-creation with the Guardian Alliance and the Galactic Earth Guardians, the White Animal Kingdom, the Elven Elders, the Grandmothers and Grandfathers and the Council of 12.

Her website is www.theharmonicgarden.com

Awakening your Devic Light Body

The Devas who exist through out all of nature act as architects of life. They are beings that live in their awakened light body and hold keys to rapid restoration and awakening. By becoming aware of the role that the Devas play in our ever day lives we not only heal on a physical level by may discover guidance and support as we enter the New Earth. During this workshop we will work with the Devas of the Garden to awaken our own Devic Light Body and prepare our system for deeper communion with Mother Nature and the Magical Spirits who inhabit out earth. We too shall find that we are indeed Magical Hu-mans! 
Finding your Fairy Flower Song Workshop

Join Amba Aliana’hi and the Flower Fairy’s in a beautiful journey to find your Soul Flower Song. In this workshop we will journey within the sacred labyrinth and discover the vibration of our Soul Flower. This journey is not only playful and fun, but offers each person the opportunity to discover which flower is emanating their souls essence. The wisdom of flowers will guide us and thus we will learn more about our souls essence and gifts. After our discovery of personal unique Soul Flower we will come together in the Garden of Life with the Flower Fairy’s to weave our Flower Songs into a flower garden Melody of pure Delight, signing and celebrating each one of our Soul’s beauty and light!

Amba is also teaching our Monday immersion
