
Themes thru the Years

Every year there is a theme for the Fairy Congress. This is divined by a group shamanic journey, done usually in late September or early October the year before the upcoming Congress.  Here are the themes that we remember:

Themes for the Fairy Congress thru the years…..

2005? How many kinds of Fairies are there and what do they do?

2008: How can Humans be Helpful to the Fairy/Devic Realms?

2009: Coming Home to the Magical Connection of Nature
How do we maintain a co-creative relationship with the fairies in our day to day lives, in our homes, gardens and businesses?

2010: Expanding our Capacities as Conduits of Loving Energy

2011: Bringing our Full Human Magnificence to our Relationship with the Fairy Realm

2012:  Expanding Our Capacities of Love
We hear from the fairies that love is powerful.  They tell us that most humans don’t know how powerful and how huge their capacity for love is.  Nor have we fully developed this ‘ability’.  The fairies and nature beings of Skalitude want to support us in expanding and healing our capabilities to love and to be able to receive love on many levels.

2013:  Igniting Forces of Connection and Manifestation
The time has come for us to consciously unite with our non-physical cohorts and create the reality we want here on Planet Earth!  This year we bring our fully human selves into loving relationship with the fairy and devic realms to strengthen our powers of manifestation in joyful union!

2014: Presence in Unity and Deep Soul Nourishment

2015: Returning Home in Sacred Union

2016: Joyful Alchemy of Co-creative Living

2017: Transformational Gratitude: Creating the Magic that is Needed Now

2018: Strengthening the Webs of Connection between the Realms: Imagine what we can do Together

2019: Embodying the Magic of Re-Union between the Realms
The sense of Union, joining forces, has been coming up for several years. This year it feels like we’re taking it just a little deeper, recognizing the Magic that happens when we acknowledge and co-create with our Fairy Allies, and then fully Embody that Magic. Compassion and heart open the pathway to connection and integration.

2020: Fairy Allies for Earth Regeneration

2021: Rejoice in the Radiance of Reconciliation
For many years we have been focusing on Union and Re-Union with the realms of Nature.  This year, the idea of Reconciliation speaks to a need for some deeper work before our Union can be fully realized. What wounds still need to be addressed? Can we see clearly what is keeping us apart?  Our goal is Reconciliation between humans and nature, between humans and other humans, between humans and The Sidhe, and also between Masculine and Feminine. True Reconciliation brings a Lightness, a Radiance that is cause for much Rejoicing.

2022: Creating a Positive Future in Loving Alliances through out the Realms – the theme this year was originally ‘Creating a Positive Future in Alliances of Love’ but it was decided clarity was needed to emphasize the alliances are between the realms.  But the central idea is that now it the time to recognize our power to Create the Future, and we do so with ALL of our allies

2023: Taking Action thru the Power of Our Connections – getting more specific this year!  In Creating a Positive Future the time has come to Take Action, and using the power of our allies as we take action makes our actions that much more effective and impactful.

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