To keep the gathering affordable to all who wish attend, and to cultivate the community spirit, we ask everybody to Contribute to the Community, to the extent you are able, 2 – 4 hrs in the smooth running of the event.
Tasks could include helping in registration, parking, the tea house, meal preparation, serving, and clean-up, children’s activities, site maintenance, washing dishes and pots, tidying up, running errands, etc. There will be a coordinator to assist with this.
Community Contribution is an opportunity to more fully engage in the event, to have fun, and to interact with people you may not otherwise. Often significant friendships and synchronistic opportunities arise from simple acts of selfless service.
This is a living-on-the-land thing, so come prepared to camp.
While sleeping in your vehicle is not discouraged, setting up any kind of campsite near your vehicle in the parking lot is not permitted.
If you have an RV, or intend to sleep in your car, arrive early as camping is first-come first-serve and flat parking spaces are limited. RV camping, especially for larger vehicles is very limited and not guaranteed. Do not bring busses or large RVs as we can not assure parking or turn around space.
The food vision is to enjoy a great communal eating experience (food for everyone, no vendors), with the organizers providing staples, such as some grains and vegetables, condiments, cooking oils, kitchen infrastructure, and a team of people whose task is to run the whole thing.
Please bring food items to share to the extent you are willing and able ~ extra produce from the garden, fruit from an orchard, a big bag of your favorite granola or snack food, nuts, nut butters, good oils, honey. This does not include cleaning out your pantry, or refrigerator, of old stuff you don’t want any more. We are not a food bank. Please bring things of good quality, with a sense that you are contributing to an ‘altar of food’. Favorite condiments can also add interest. The tea house also welcomes donations of herbal and caffeinated teas, coffees, herbal tinctures/medicines, creamers and honey etc.
Bring Something for the Raffle
Every year we have a raffle to create seed money with which to use for each year’s start up and advertising costs for the Congress. For the raffle we have received donations of items that are amazing such as a stay at Skalitude, a crystal bowl, flower essences, herbal tinctures, books, CD’s, gemstones and much more. We encourage participation to the building and sustaining of our Congress. Be sure to purchase raffle tickets at the Fairyphenalia store at the Congress. The raffle sales will benefit future Congress events.
This is a co-creative, interactive, community building event. If you have something else to share that would add to the fun, festivity, or functionality of the event, and is appropriate to the container (ask ahead of time if you are unsure), bring it!
Creative or Healing Offerings: face painting, card reading, reiki, massage, crafting supplies or a project to teach (remember all offerings made outside of the marketplace are to be shared without charge)
Other Useful Items:
Hay bales, portable chairs, kids activities things, herbal tinctures for healing area, flowers or petals(fresh or dried) and spritzers for flowering angel wash…