Michael Pilarski has initiated a project to compile a list of people who have
notably advanced the cause of human and fairy communication. This is an early
draft based on current knowledge. This edition lists 78 people. I have listed web
sites, where known. There are many deserving people who should be added to
this list. Further editions will be posted on www.fairycongress.com
People are encouraged to send nominations for people to add to this list and/or
additional comments on those presented herein.
Send to michael@fairycongress.com
Listings are alphabetical rather than in any order of importance.
Category 1: Notables who are no longer with us on the physical plane:
* Alice Bailey, channel for Djwal Kuhl. www.lucistrust.org
* Annie Besant, www.theosophical.org/
* Christopher Bird
* Peter Caddy, www.findhom.org
* H.K. Challoner, www.adyar.corn.au
* Daphne Charters, www.fairycongress.corn
* W. Y. Evans-Wentz
* Manly P. Hall, www.frankperry.co.uk/MANLY%2OPALMER%2OHALL.htm
* Dora Van Gelder, www.questbooks.net/author.cfm?authomum=63
* Geoffrey Hodson, www.geoffreyhodson.iinet.net.au/index.htm
* Reverend Robert Kirk
* Charles W. Leadbeater, www.blavatskyarchives.com/leadbeaterbib.htm
* Flower A. Newhouse, www.questhaven.org
* Torkom Saraydarian, www.tsgfoundation.org/
* Cyril Scott, www.cyrilscott.net/index.html
* Rudolf Steiner, www.rsarchive.org
Category 2: People currently active on the physical earth plane:
* Nathaniel Altman
* Ted Andrews, www.dragonhawkpublishing.corn
* Paul Beyerl, www.thehermitsgrove.org
* Camilla Blossom, www.3flowershealing.corn
* Morgan Brent, www.tribesofcreation.corn
* Jim Butler, www.elfenproject.corn
* William Bloom, www.williambloom.corn
* Stephen Harrod Buhner
* Eileen Caddy, www.findhom,org
* Joseph Cornell, www.dawnpub.corn
* T. Thom Coyle, www.thorncoyle.corn
* Tom Cowan, www.riverdrum.corn/
* Avatar DeDannan
* Dr. Geo, www.geocities.com/mkaastrup/
* John C. Fox, http://hilarion.com/jonchan.html
* Orion Foxwood, www.foxwood-temple.net
* Brian Froud, www.worldoffroud.corn
* Mary J. Getten, www.MaryGetten.corn
* Jane Gifford
* John Michael Greer
* Gurudas
* Ronni Hall, http://thefairyfieldguide.blogspot.com
* Tanis Helliwell, www.iitransform.com/
* Ellen Evert Hopman, www.geocities.com/gaias__song/willow.html
* Christan Hummel, www.earthtransitions.com
* Sandra Ingerman, www.sandraingerman.corn
* Eileen Kilgren
* Sharon Knight, www.SharonKnight.net
* Sirona Knight, www.sironaknight.corn
* Rowena Pattee Kryder, www.creative-harmonics.org
* Amy Leigh, www.ContinuumPress.corn
* David Lertzman
* Jessica MacBeth
* Dorothy Maclean. www.lorian.org
* Marcia Zina Mager, www.marcia-zina-mager.com
* John and Caitlin Matthews, www.hallowquest.org.uk
o Cindy McGonagle, www.cindymcgonagle.corn
o Mark and MaryGold McNutt, www.aerious.org
o Catherine Morgan, www.tasaris.com
o Robert Moss, www.mossdreams.com
o Hugh Mynne
o Don Ollsin, www.herbalhealingpathway.corn
o Christopher Penczak, www.christopherpenczak.corn
o Diana Gay Pepper, www.treefrogfarm.corn
o Michael Perlman
o Chuck Pettis, www.geo.org
o Marko Pogacnik, www.pogacnikmarko.org
o Raven ManyVoices, www.ravenmedium.corn
o Michael J. Roads, www.michaelroads.corn
o Ouapiti Robintree, www.hummingbirdremedies.corn
o Serena Roney-Dougal, www.psi-researchcentre.co.uk/
o Sathaya Sai Baba. www.sathyasai.org
o Molly Sheehan, www.greenhopeessences.corn
o Rupert Sheldrake, www.sheldrake.org
o David Spangler, www.lorian.org
o Ariel Spilsbury, www.holographicgoddess.corn/
o R. J. Stewart, www.rjstewart.net
o Lisa Thiel, www.sacreddream.com
o Lorna Todd, www.ascension-workshop.co.za
o Peter Tompkins
o Doreen Virtue, www.angelintuitive.corn.au
o Jennifer Vyhnak
o Machaelle Small Wright, www.perelandra-Itd.com/
This list reflects my current information base. There are many, many more I
do not know about or who are locally known. To add people to this list contact